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May 8, 2013 - handelsbeziehungen deutschland kolumbien, key player network, expat, resident ... Deutsche Firmen in Lateinamerika Expansion, Strategische... portal, german, english, spanish, colombia business development key player ...
Apr 16, 2008 - 10th European Development Fund (EDF): The new programming exercise 2008–13. 8. 2.2.3. ..... pean interest, including support for small businesses, environmental schemes ... The EIB will seek to expand its activities across ...
Colombia's social and development policies are geared towards achieving the ... to finance larger infrastructure projects such as the expansion of the motorway network. .... and sources of income for small to medium-sized family businesses.
Flughafen Zürich AG nahm das International Business Development im Jahr ...Kolumbien... Die Flughafen Zürich AG konzentriert sich bei den internationalen Projekten primär auf die Märkte Lateinamerika, Osteuropa, Mittlerer Osten und Asien. ... Um in weitere Märkte zu expandieren und Marktchancen wahrzunehmen, ...
The IDB is the main source of multilateral financing in Latin America. It provides solutions to development challenges and support in the key areas of th