Deliver leadership development courses in a format that is intuitive and cost-effective and which ... ON24 Launches Enterprise Mobile Webcasting Initiative
In addition, an early career-development program (CAREER) supports ... Science and Engineering (fundamental computer science, computer and networking systems, and ... concentrated on Bush and his publication Science-The Endless Frontier. ...Looking about the landscape of wartime research Kilgore was concerned ...
The Designing Advanced network Interfaces for the Delivery and .... The 30 month COMET project aims to develop innovative machining systems (industrial robots) that ... The CONCERTO Initiative is an initiative which aims to demonstrate that the .... Assessing the investment requirements to implement these transformation ...
09/07/2012 - The calls address key concerns faced by Europeans where action at EU ... €4.8 billion will be invested in thematic areas, with specific priorities to preserve oceans and water, better use ...develop smart cities and tackle issues such as public sector reform, ... Find more at on the participants portal calls page
19/04/2013 - determining the extent to which the federal R&D investment can grow ...Network for Manufacturing Innovation, which seeks to promote the development of .... National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration . ..... “Multiagency R&D Initiatives” for detailed information. ...... Radiation Portal Monitors Program.
Research Initiative (URI), is sponsored by the DoD research offices: the ... Nonlinear Dynamics of Energy Hypersurfaces Governing Reaction Networks..... thePrincipal Investigator and other key investigators who will conduct the ...... Background: DoD S&T programs continue to make large investments in the development of.
Northern Development Initiative Trust helped fund the Cariboo Mountain Bike ... “This incentive also allowed us to upgrade the look of the buildings inside and out ... Last year, MIEDS launched - an information-sharing portal for ... with business and industry partners to develop profiles of key investments.
Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy ... On the Frontier Group ... Rural Investment Group (Investment Facility run by PSF) ..... on cross cutting issues and key industries, but more specifically, the cluster of industry networks and the ... own and commit sufficient resources to the strategy, until initiatives are ...
are explored along with key projects and initiatives undertaken will be .... City dedicated primarily to harvesting the land and the ocean, into a truly .... Geraldton must look to other states and to immigrants as well as up-skilling its local youth. With .... Gro